You can create custom supervisors by implementing the Supervisor protocol. This allows you to define custom logic for approving, rejecting, modifying, or escalating function execution.

The ToolCallSupervisor Protocol

Asteroid has a very simple protocol that defines the expected signature for supervisor functions:

from typing import Optional, Protocol
from uuid import UUID
from openai import OpenAI
from asteroid_sdk.supervision.config import SupervisionContext, SupervisionDecision
from asteroid_sdk.types import Tool, ChatCompletionMessageToolCall

class ToolCallSupervisor(Protocol):
    """Protocol for tool call supervisors."""
    def __call__(
        tool: Tool,
        tool_call: ChatCompletionMessageToolCall,
        supervision_context: SupervisionContext,
        ignored_attributes: list[str] = [],
        supervision_request_id: Optional[UUID] = None,
        previous_decision: Optional[SupervisionDecision] = None,
    ) -> SupervisionDecision:
        """Makes a decision based on the tool call and supervision context."""

Creating a Custom Supervisor

Here’s an example of creating a custom supervisor that checks if an email address is in a whitelist:

from typing import List
from asteroid_sdk.types import Tool, ChatCompletionMessageToolCall
from asteroid_sdk.supervision.config import SupervisionDecision, SupervisionDecisionType, SupervisionContext
import json

def check_email_address_supervisor(whitelisted_emails: List[str]) -> ToolCallSupervisor:
    def supervisor(
        tool: Tool,
        tool_call: ChatCompletionMessageToolCall,
        supervision_context: SupervisionContext,
        ignored_attributes: list[str] = [],
        supervision_request_id: Optional[UUID] = None,
        previous_decision: Optional[SupervisionDecision] = None,
    ) -> SupervisionDecision:
        # Parse the tool call arguments
        args = json.loads(tool_call.function.arguments)
        to_email = args.get('to')
        if to_email in whitelisted_emails:
            return SupervisionDecision(
                explanation=f"The email address '{to_email}' is allowed."
            return SupervisionDecision(
                explanation=f"The email address '{to_email}' is not in the whitelist."
    supervisor.__name__ = check_email_address_supervisor.__name__
    supervisor.supervisor_attributes = {"whitelisted_emails": whitelisted_emails}
    return supervisor

You can then use this custom supervisor in the @supervise decorator:

def send_email(to: str, subject: str, body: str):
    # Function implementation